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Business Success Tips 51-60

how to succeed in business

Ten more tips to keep you on the road to success.

51. Don’t suffer from narrow-mindedness.
Always be open to new ways of doing things.

52. Use professional language with correct spelling and grammar when corresponding with clients.

53. Always conduct business with honesty and integrity.

54. Choose your location wisely.
Low monthly payments should not be the only determining factor when choosing a commercial space. Good foot traffic, accessibility and an easy to find location can be worth a higher cost.

55. Maintain good appearances.
Keep your place of business clean and well organized.

56. Have proper signage. Make it easy for customers to find you.

57. Hire employees with a strong work ethic.

58. Think of failures as a valuable learning experience.

59. Be willing to adapt your business plan.
In order for your company to thrive, you may need to change direction. The most successful course may not be the one that you set out upon when you began your venture.

60. Always be on time for business meetings.

K.B. Helm - 100simplebooks.com