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Business Success Tips 31-40

small business success tips

A small business needs to operate with certain processes and procedures. This about these 10 ideas for greater success and a sustainable future:

31. There is a difference between a business and get rich quick schemes.
Real businesses take time to grow and need to be sound to last long term. Short-term successes are just that “short-term.”

32. Offer unique services, do things differently to set yourself apart from your competitors.

33. Don’t mess with the IRS.

34. Use social media services to interact with customers and provide valuable content about your business.

35. Complete the necessary paperwork and have contracts signed before doing business with clients.
Terms and conditions of business should be agreed upon up front so there are no problems later on.

36. Always read through contracts before signing them.
You can also have exceptionally lengthy or complicated documents reviewed by a lawyer or professional.

37. Make sure your business leaves a positive impression on your clients.
First impressions count, the way the receptionist greets people on the phone, the cleanliness of your office, and your personal appearance can all influence how you are perceive by others.

38. Create a business brand.
Your business needs to be memorable – this includes the name, logo, colors and tag line.

39. Word-of-mouth referrals are a powerful selling tool.
Give your customers a reason to talk about you to their friends.

40. Time = Money, so don’t waste it.

K.B. Helm - 100simplebooks.com